ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

One of our town’s largest media companies has thrown caution to the wind this afternoon as they paid a freelancer’s invoice on time.

When designer Max Steerman sat down with The Advocate this afternoon in the French Quarter cafe he calls an office, he said he didn’t even have to send a follow up email to get what was owed to him.

“This is so refreshing,” he laughed.

The 25-year-old can barely contain his excitement.

“God, I didn’t even get put on the email merry-go-round, trying to find the right person to pay me. I didn’t even have to call and abuse some poor bastard,”

“It feels so different. I usually fall asleep dreaming of driving a van filled with fertiliser into their reception and blowing half the building out into the street. This time around, they paid me on the day I said the invoice was due,”

“If only every business was like this.”

Max said he sent the invoice to GronkCorp, a mezzanine-level bespoke, boutique and artisan PR agency in the Old City District, about two weeks ago.

The contract stipulated two week terms. However, when The Advocate spoke to a charming young man at GronkCorp’s account department, he admitted their must have been some kind of administrative error.

“Oh that doesn’t sound right,” he said.

“We usually wait until we get threatened with legal action before we pay. That’s after we string our freelancers along for a month or two, telling them we pay in a month plus 45, which is the industry standard and they should just calm down,”

“But yeah, it must be an error. Honestly, we love to wait until we can hear the desperation in their voice. Then we pay. Sometimes just for a laugh, we take the GST out before we send it so they have to email us again to ask for it. Take another ticket, fuck-o. It’ll be another 75 days until you get that, too. You fucking piece of shit.”

More to come.


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