ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
One of the nation’s greatest openers was sporting a new haircut this morning when he fronted cameras in the Maldives.
Michael Slater asked the Federal Government if they were talking to him when they said he was talking like an idiot.
Federal Agriculture minister David Littleproud came into bat for the Prime Minister today on news radio, where he labelled the man from Wagga an ‘idiot’.
“He’s talking like an idiot,” said Littleproud.
“He needs to stop.”
Slater has since clapped back, asking the Federal Government a series of questions.
“You talking to me?” Slater said.
“I said, ‘You talking to me?’ Huh?”
Slater laughed to himself then took a long inhale through his nose and smiled.
“Thank God for the rain, which has helped wash away the garbage and trash off the footpaths. I’m working long hours now: six in the afternoon to six in the morning. Sometimes, even eight in the morning, six days a week. Sometimes seven days a week. It’s a long hustle, but it keeps me real busy. I can take in ten, fifteen a week. Sometimes, even more, when I do the finals. All the animals go into politics – liars, backstabbers, fakes, phonies, cheats, Protestants, sex freaks, addicts, drug users.
“Someday, a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the ballot paper.”
When asked by a few reporters if he was thinking about doing it himself, Slater shrugged and laughed again.
“Who the fuck knows? I’m stuck on this fucking island. Maybe someone else will?”
More to come.