ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
Despite the free market indicating that building another fossil fuel power plant is not worth it, the Government is pushing ahead with the construction of a gas-fired power plant in the Hunter Valley for reasons only they know.
Speaking to journalists today in Canberra, Prime Minister Scott Morrison explained that the government is building a new non-renewable power plant because Australia needs more power.
“We are building this thing because, uh, well for the most part it’s classified but we need to make sure all Australians have access to cheap electricity,” he said.
“And gas is the only way.”
When asked why energy companies like AGL and Origin say building a gas-powered plant is unprofitable and stupid, the Prime Minister laughed.
“I think we should leave the future of this country up to the experts.”
Federal Energy Minister Angus Taylor took the opportunity to jump in.
“We’re making sure Australia has a bright future, mind the pun,” he said.
A reporter asked Angus if a Federal ICAC would clear this project.
“Oh, I don’t think that’d ever be an issue because there’s no need for a Federal ICAC because every Federal politician knows how serious the task is. Corruption is non-existant,”
“Why have a needless waste of taxpayer money on something we don’t need?”
More to come.