12 June, 2015. 13:30
CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact
Entrepreneurial transport/export businessman, Andrew* says he could have never imagined the fruits that would come from a career in people smuggling.
“It surprised me, I thought there was only one way to make money in this industry…”
“The life-savings of people who are religiously persecuted is a pretty safe bet,”
“Turns out you can get paid for not people smuggling as well – like, literally turn the boat around and get paid extra”
John* says he was very happy to learn that one of his vessel captains, Andrew* was given over $30,000 dollars to not complete the job of smuggling,”
“We just took these poor fellas back to Burma and dumped them on the beach. [Laughter] This is not a performance-based bonus”
Andrew believes there is plenty more money to be made from conservative western governments.
“I think this is just the tip of it, we are getting serious cash from both ends”