![katter single ladies](https://www.betootaadvocate.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/katter-single-ladies.jpg)
The GirlBossification of Bob Katter continues today, as the Member For Kennedy finds himself surrounded by 11 moderate female MPs that have followed his well-worn path of disrupting the major parties as an Independent.
It’s a crossbench made up of the six Teals who snatched Liberal heartland seats, Cabramatta Independent Dai Le, South Australian three-termer Rebekha Sharkie, Indi’s Helen Haines, the Abbott-slayer Zali Steggal, and the new Brisbane Green Elizabeth Watson-Brown MP.
While fellow male Independent Andrew Wilkie opts to form a Tasmanian girl gang of his own with Jacqui Lambie and her new Senator Tammy Tyrrell, it seems Katter will have to make friends with women who stole the Liberal Party’s blue-ribbon seats in the 2022 Election.
The camaraderie was already on display for all today as the newly sworn in Independents received a shout out in the Member for Kooyong’s maiden speech.
Dr Monique Ryan, a former neurologist from leafy inner-Melbourne, made a point of mentioning the important role both the Teal and non-Teal independent MPs will be playing in this upcoming government.
Bob Katter MP immediately stood up and began cheering with his new crossbench sisters.
“Wooohooo go Mon” shouted Katter.
“Yassss Queeeeenn”
The shutters of the media cameras clicked as Bob and the girls kept cheering.
Within minutes, the Maverick North Queensland MP had broken into the iconic J-Setting choreography of Beyoncè’s 2010 Grammy-award winning classic ‘All The Single Ladies’.
“Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, o-ohh” Katter chanted at the stale old men from the major parties, as he waggled his finger with another hand on his hip.
The 77-year-old then performed a pirouette to face Peter Dutton and his shrinking party MPs.
The Liberal Party gasped as they looked on at Katter and his growing army of disenfranchised Independents – most of whom all would have gladly run as Liberal candidates if it weren’t for the sheer corruption and misogyny that has been festering in their party since John Howard.
Bob dipped his left hip and began waving his hand, emphasising the ring finger.
“If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it” he chanted.
“If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it”