South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas has today welcomed a large group of interstate tourists to his home city.

With Gather Round just hours away from kick off at the Adelaide Oval, the man in charge of Southern Australia is doing his best to make sure all the visitors are being looked after.

The copy of the NRL’s Magic Round, which no one from down south is acknowledging, features every single team in the AFL playing this weeks games in South Australia.

With a few games at some regional grounds as well as the the Oval, the whole thing has seen a massive pump in tourism for the city and the state.

The play from the AFL and the South Australian Government has seen every single room booked, with a different type of crowd to the Adelaide Fringe descending on the capital.

However, with the benefits of hosting a whole round of the AFL also come the cons of hosting a whole round of AFL.

Namely – a bunch of professional testosterone fuelled athletes descending on their town for a weekend.

So, in an effort to keep a lid on things Zaddy Mainauskas has decided to present the entire Collingwood team with some special ankle bracelets.

“Here, if you all want to wear these for the weekend that would be an awesome show of respect,” said the SA Premier while handing over the trinkets that looks suspiciously like electronic monitoring devices.

“Yep, all of you pop them on and just wear them around, apart from when the cameras are on you during the game.”

“I have no idea how you guys were given the last game of the round, unless the team are confident you will be focused before kick off on Sunday night.”

“I’m also quite concerned that Melbourne and Brisbane have games before Friday night even kicks off.”

“That could be scary.”

More to come.


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