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A report conducted by the gambling lobby has found that forcing fans to bet on matches will make the experience much more enjoyable.

Mandatory betting on sports matches is something that Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says he’s open to after he reportedly watered down attempts by the crossbench to outlaw the shameless and violent advertising of gambling apps during televised sporting events.

Speaking to The Advocate this Monday morning during the weekly content strategy meeting between our newsroom and the Prime Minister’s Office, Mr Albanese explained that sports betting is the lifeblood of all sport in this country.

“What, uh, people on the crossbench don’t understand is that money makes the wheels go around and sports betting is that money, it’s reality,” he said.

“And if we, say, do what the gambling lobby has recommended which is to force everyone who wants to watch sports, to gamble on it, I can only see that having a positive impact on sport on the whole,”

“For example, if I were to watch my Rabbitohs of a Friday evening at The Lodge, I’d simply put on a $10 same-game multi and I’d get a code that I’d punch in to the television, allowing me to watch the game. Then, I’d be watching the game and be more invested in it because I could win a grand or so. It would be great,”

“Compulsory betting is something I can see coming down the pipeline, definitely.”

More to come.


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