ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
Prime Minister Scott Morrison is on the offensive today after Labor leader Anthony Albanese said he wanted to make wages increase in line with the record level of inflation seen currently.
Speaking just a short time ago in Newcastle, Morrison told reporters that Albo wants labourers to drive the same car as their builder employees and have access to the same type of lifestyle.
“We’re talking people who aren’t having a go, the Australians who were born in a shit postcode to shit parents, getting the same rewards for people who’ve had a go. I’m talking about the people from a stable home in a postcode where the second number is a zero,” said Morrison.
“Albo wants those people to have a Ford Ranger Raptor like you and guess what else, he wants you to pay for it. What I personally find the most offensive is that labourers won’t even be able to write the vehicle off. So it’ll just be a huge waste of everyone’s time and money.”
A 2022 Ford Ranger Raptor retails for roughly $85 000, which is typically broken down to repayments of about $1800 a month for the next five years.
Even with a modest increase to their wages, to keep them inline with the inflated cost of living, a typical labourer is in no danger of buying a new sports utility vehicle.
“Unless they are some sort of thumb-sucking, live-at-home-son-of-a-builder, who’s learning the family business from the ground up,” said Mr Albanese in defence of his policy.
“They can afford one. I’m talking about the people who are carpooling to jobs in the city in a clapped out Magna with no clear coat on the cunt,”
Albo paused to apologise to the large contingent of female reporters at his press conference.
“Sorry, I just got a bit carried away there. I just hate fake tradies and their Tory souls. I love to fight Tories, with words, I wouldn’t like to fight some relatively-hairless, private school rowing twink with those disgusting big, smooth muscles. Like that Ivan Drago from Rocky IV. Great picture, Rocky IV. Anyway, those are the types of so-called labourers, the builders sons, they’re the ones who can buy Ranger Raptors. Just to be clear, that’s the mental picture I have of a rich builder’s son,” he said.
“Does Morrison think we are dumb?”
More to come.