As life begins to return to normal, a newly formed local couple has today decided to mutually end their relationship and walk away on good terms.
Sam Roberts (28) and Vannessa Tam (27) both confirmed to The Advocate that both of them are completely happy to call it quits, bear no ill will towards each other, and see no issues between them going forward at all.
“It’s been a great little set up we’ve had,” explained the happily single sharehouse residents who quickly came to terms with the fact that itches need scratching when Iso kicked off a few months ago.
Despite the fact they’ve mostly been sleeping in the same bed for nearly two months after deciding a bit of post-coital cuddling couldn’t hurt, Sam says they are both eager to get back out in the game.
“I mean we live with two of our other friends, and our friendship circles from work and school are very closely tied together, but we are both in agreeance that this is over. Like neither of us is still keen on it,” explained the visibly twitching Sam.
“Hey Vanessa? Whatever happens from here is all good,” said the man who is definitely not going to try it on next time they are both out on the piss together.
“It’s been a case of a bit of a symbiotic relationship. The African Oxpecker and the Zebra if you will,” Sam said.
“Haha yeah,” laughed Vanessa.
“It was fun while it lasted.”
Vanessa then awkwardly walked out will Sam leant from side to side uncomfortably and our reporter left.