ERROL PARKER| Editor-at-large | Contact
With the memories of New York in fall still fresh in her heart, a South Betootanese occupational therapy student has escaped her dire financial situation by casually mulling over the possibility of another overseas holiday before the end of the financial year.
Returning from the Big Apple on the first of December, Denise Rochester spoke to The Advocate briefly about her lifelong desire to travel to Japan, which is next on her to-do list.
“I’m trying to keep all negativity out of my life,” she said.
“That’s why we’re not going to talk about the $7400 I still have owing on my credit cards. It’s not going to help anyone if I fritter and worry about that, I can’t control it so why worry about it?”
From the comfort of her parent’s three-seater Ikea sofa, Ms Rochester revealed she fell in love with the former war-mongering nation after she was forced to illegally download Lost in Translation after failing to find it on the Australian version of Netflix.
After watching the film twice in the same week, Denise began hypothetically researching and putting together a humble itinerary for Tokyo.
“The Tokyo Hilton is expensive,” she said.
“But I’m sick of just lying on the couch, scrolling through Instagram seeing all my friends overseas while I’m stuck in this backwater desert shithole with my parents,”
“Life is too short.”
More to come.