ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
A Commissioner at the New South Wales Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has been forced to cancel his planned trip to Europe next month because the watchdog is anticipating that things are about to get “fucking busy” at the office.
In light of recent events inside the NSW Parliament, Commissioner Robert Page told The Advocate that he had an awkward and disappointing conversation with his travel agent this morning.
“We should get a refund for most of it,” he said.
“But my wife isn’t amused and neither am I. For once, I just wanted to go on a nice holiday for a few weeks but like clockwork, there’s some extremely dodgy shit going on inside the [redacted by legal] and my plans are in ruins,”
“When all that business happened with [redacted by legal], I was about to go up to Lizard Island to look at dolphins, sleep and obliterate myself on white wine at the Marlin Bar. That didn’t happen.”
The Commissioner went on to explain that the dubious appointment of [redacted by legal] as the new trade envoy person to [redacted by legal] by [redacted by legal] is at the core of his decision to cancel his plans, obviously.
“If it’s not that fucking [redacted by legal] getting up to no good, it’s fucking [redacted by legal]. That silly fat [redacted by legal] will be the death of me, the fucking stress [redacted by legal] has caused me will put me in an early grave,” he said.
“Everything [redacted by legal] touches turns to shit. [redacted by legal] gets [redacted by legal] grubby little fucking hands on it and bang, it’s up to people like [redacted by legal] and [redacted by legal] to uncover it. Pathetic. At least this time, people inside the [redacted by legal] have had the fucking balls to look into it.”
“I can only see this ending when [redacted by legal] is put in Goulburn [redacted by legal] Max [redacted by legal] where [redacted by legal] can sit an ponder [redacted by legal].”
The Advocate reached out to [redacted by legal] for comment but [redacted by legal].
More to come.