ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
The defacto leader of the Democratic Peoples’ Republic Of Western Australia (DPRWA) has said it is a ‘source of sadness’ for him that people on the east coast, in particular the rich neoliberals that occupy the high ground in Sydney like pimples on a fat man’s arse, like to call him un-Australian because he doesn’t want them to cough all over his chosen people.
Mark McGowan went on record today in Perth, the rogue state’s capital, where he detailed recent reports coming out to Sydney that people there are annoyed that he does not understand the basic concept of a federation of states.
“People think that I am some sort of tough guy who thinks these petty insults don’t hurt me,” he said.
“Well, let me tell you, their words hurt me more than any length of hose whipped against my buttocks the first time I crossed the equator when I was in the Navy. While that hurt, it hurt alot, it hurts more when rich neoliberals in Sydney call me names,”
“It really does. They should walk a mile in my shoes. We need to be better prepared before we open. How dumb are you? It’s pretty simple,”
“How many West Australians do you want to die on the Altar of Federation?”
More to come.