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Former Prime Minister Scott Morrison has lashed out at the Federal Government this morning in a fresh statement regarding his involvement in the RoboDebt scandal.

He has accused Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Minister Bill Shorten of using the RoboDebt Royal Commission report “as an instrument” to “wreck his holiday.”

“I question the timing of this report,” the statement said.

“Releasing it when I’m out of the country so I don’t have the ability to reply to it in person. I think that’s rather cowardly. It has become apparent over the weekend that the Federal Government is intent on trying to ruin my nice family holiday to Europe that many hard-working Australian families enjoy each year. I am proud of the work that my government did, and I refuse to be blamed for this so-called ‘policy train wreck’ because at its core, it’s good policy.”

“While the government maintains the view that the RoboDebt program was unlawful, that’s their interpretation of the legislation. My government had our own, and the advice was that this was lawful. I don’t want to hear anything else on it.”

“However, I am not going to let this negativity ruin my holiday. It’s not going to ruin the good vibes, as much as the government wants it to. I have put this to the back of my mind, and I’m confident that when I get home, it will have all blown over, and people will have something else to be angry about. You have to remember that 35% of the country voted for me, 33% voted for Albo. My conscience is clear.”

The Advocate reached out to the office of the Opposition leader for comment but has yet to receive a reply.

More to come.


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