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US singer and songwriter Lana Del Rey, 39 is rumoured to be dating a 56 year old alligator tour guide from Louisiana, which has confused everyone except true Lana stans who know this is exactly the type of man she’s been singing about for years.

The internet is said to have first cottoned onto Lana’s new beau after a Tik Tok user filmed her holding hands with swamp boat captain Jeremy Dufrene ahead of her set at Leeds Festival in England. Fans were then able to trace their first meeting back to 2019, when Lana shared an image of her and Dufrene on her Instagram profile, captioning it “Jeremy lemme be captain at Arthur’s Air Boat Tours x.”

Almost twenty years her senior and sporting the sort of look that screams ‘I’ll aggressively tailgate you in my pickup truck’, this pairing has led to a lot of confusion, with one person writing, ‘“I’m sorry but this is strange. Very strange. He must be the sweetest man ever I guess.”

But for Lana’s ride or die fans, this pairing couldn’t make more sense.

“Anyone who’s seen the music video for ‘Ride’ knows this is exactly the sort of man Lana would choose”, says Lilly, 32, from Betoota Heights, “she’s always given the impression that she’d pick up some old chain smoking bloke outside the front of a petrol station.”

“How on earth is anyone surprised?”

More to come.


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