ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

A Betoota Heights couple is reportedly waiting for the inevitable as their two-year-old son, Ollie James, battles an aggressive bout of gastro.

After a sleepless night of constant clean-ups, nappy changes, and worrying about dehydration, the parents, Mel and Dave Williams, have accepted that it’s only a matter of time before they both go down with it too.

“I can already feel it in my stomach,” said Dave, after wiping the change table clean and habitually touching his face after.

“It feels like my soul is winded. The dullness of impending doom and the glancing pain running through my mind. It’s coming, I can feel it.”

Mel, who has taken the lion’s share of toddler-minding duties while Dave soldiers on in his home office, expressed the same grim outlook.

“It always happens like this,” she sighed.

“One of us is going to get it first, then the other will follow, and by the time we’re both down, Ollie will be back to full energy. Last time, I thought Dave wasn’t going to make it. He has a weak, Protestant constitution. A wet little private school wanker. He’s nice, though.”

According to Mel, the family has already been through this cycle several times, thanks to their child care centre’s liberal sharing policy when it comes to viruses.

“Fuck childcare,” she continued.

“It’s caused me more personal turmoil than you can imagine. Fuck the fucking parents that send their kid to school sick. Ollie comes home with someone new once a month that fucking kills us. You still need to pay when they’re sick, too, it’s fucking bullshit.”

Dave, however, holds out hope that his immune system might make it through.

“I’m smashing probiotics and washing my hands constantly, but let’s be honest… we’re both fucked. Me especially. I’m not good when I’m sick. I need my space to heal and get better.”

More to come.


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