ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
A free thinker from our town’s burgeoning suburban sprawl has told The Advocate that he believes in a world where the government has very little to do with you.
This masthead has been canvasing locals this week as Betoota’s federal member, David Littleproud, put his hand up to potentially host one of the proposed nuclear reactors should the Coalition win government next year.
Today, we spoke to Nolan Smith.
Smith explained to our reporter, of the front of his somewhat rooted Hotondo dogbox in Betoota Heights, that instead of waiting for the government to sort themselves out and keep the lights on, he went and got his own power plant.
“I think everyone should be responsible for generating their own power,” he said.
“Having electricity in your home is a privilege. There’s billions around the world who don’t have it. You can’t trust a government to look after you. You have to look after yourself.”
The 34-year-old construction manager confirmed with power nod that he votes for the Nationals because in his job, the unions make it much harder for his employer, a multi-billion dollar international construction corporation based in Bermuda.
He also supports the introduction of nuclear power and oddly enough, he supports the current government’s plan to interfere with the central reverse bank.
“Industry will still need power and nuclear is the best option. Because it will be cheaper. I only have a fridge, TV, a few chargers and the air conditioning. It will be cheaper because Peter Dutton told me and so did the people on the TV. Maybe not on the ABC but Hugh Marks will sort them out now,” he added.
“I’m not here to question what they tell me, I’m just trying to look after myself.”
More to come.