The brand new Sydney Metro has been met with universal applause after it has achieved a feat that the last major transport project failed to reach, being faster than walking pace.

The Sydney Metro, which had its major extension unveiled two weeks ago, was approached with fairly low expectations by the residents of Sydney – a city that seems to be some sort of bad luck charm for most infrastructure projects.

To most people’s surprise, the hi-tech driverless train network has actually been pretty fast, convenient and reliable, so far.

The success of the Metro comes as even more of a surprise after the Light Rail, the previous public transport endeavor, is regularly out paced by 65 year old business men in the CBD on their lunch break. 

Glenn Grogan (65), a banker based in Sydney’s CBD says he’s never used the Light Rail, even when he was in crutches after a paddle boarding accident off the coast of New Caledonia.

“I think the only time that thing would get me to where I need to go quicker than walking would be if I was in a strange situation where I was forced to crawl on all fours, backwards” Glenn explained.


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