A local dad had salt rubbed into the wound when the most interesting thing that happened during his family’s visit to the festival of lights was coming across the only group of people that seemed to be genuinely enjoying their time at VIVD, a group of teenagers. 

The reason? This local dad believes there can only be one, they’re on drugs.

Like many Sydney Siders, local dad Barry Huntington (44) ran at the opportunity to go to an event in Sydney with his family that wouldn’t cost him $900. Within minutes reality started to set in that this was not going to be a pleasant time.

Freezing weather and the revelation that 150,000 other parents across Sydney had the same exact idea as Barry was enough for him to understand that this was just going to be one of those nights.

After 20 minutes of shuffling through Circular Quay and spending a couple minutes every few dozen meters to stare at some lights, Barry was met with a sound he hadn’t heard once that night, laughter.

A group of teenagers who seemed to be having the time of their lives stood out from the rest of the crowd.

The group of teenagers jubilation at a couple of lights led Barry to think that maybe something foul was at play.

“Yep they’re on drugs for sure.” He said.

“There’s no way they’re that into lights, no one is that into lights.”

“I’m kind’ve jealous,” Barry revealed while pushing his kids out of ear shot during the interview.


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