EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

A Darlinghurst woman who borders on the more introverted side has decided to pop on her most ‘lesbian fit’ possible today, to avoid getting pestered on the way to the Sydney mayor election voting booth.

Her goal? To make it abundantly clear that she was a Green Party voter and spare herself the typical onslaught of campaign flyers from other parties.

Donning an ensemble that included cuffed jeans, a rainbow shirt, a tote bag, pair of Birkenstocks and a freshly buzzed undercut, Sophie Hartwig, 29, says she really pulled out all the stops.

“I just want to get in and get out”, explained Sophie, “and skip the awkward moments of politely declining pamphlets when we all know which box I’m ticking.”

Her strategy seemed to work. As Sophie approached the polling station, she noticed the volunteers from various parties glancing her way and then hesitating, ultimately deciding to save their pamphlets.

“I saw the Liberal guy open his mouth, but then he took one look and just smiled awkwardly.”

“The Libertarian volunteer didn’t even bother,” she laughed.

The Green Party’s representative, however, gave her a knowing nod and a thumbs-up from across the booth.

More to come.


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