ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
The six Teal independents in the House of Representatives have just made it clear to everyone that when there’s a hung parliament after the next election, please don’t automatically assume they will side with the goodies.
At the end of the day, the people who put the Teals into Parliament House are products of unbridled capitalism and property speculation. They will do anything to protect that from the sticky fingers of left-leaning governments.
Independents from uptown parts of the nation are also a bit gun shy after what happened to Tony Windsor when he filed in behind Julia Gillard to slingshot Labor to power in 2016. From the mythical weatherboard and iron to the linen-wearing gentleman farmers of Scone and Walcha, Windsor’s decision to back Labor was an utter betrayal to many of them who simply hated the National party.
Speaking today from an inherited mansion in Perth, Teal spokesperson Ophelia Wallette explained to The Advocate that they just wanted to be open and honest with everyone.
“We don’t want people to be shocked,” they said.
“The Teals exist because the Liberal Party keeps preselecting old, bloated, puce-faced, uninspiring men. They’re a guilt-free and appetising way to vote for the Liberal Party. Don’t expect them to through their support behind Albo, especially after this absolute non-event of a government.”
More to come.