ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

In a masterclass of time management, French Quarter professional Nathan Barker has locked in a Thursday night pub session with his mates, ensuring he’ll be hungover on company time Friday but fresh for family duties by the weekend.

“Thursday’s perfect,” says the 37-year-old lanyard-wearing serf.

“You roll into work a bit rough on Friday, but no one expects much anyway. Just look busy. By Saturday, I’m golden, ready for kids’ soccer.”

Barker’s approach has gained traction with coworkers, who view Fridays as a “write-off” in the office.

“We didn’t get a pay rise this year,” noted Steve, Barker’s colleague and fellow pub enthusiast.

“If you’re gonna be dusty, might as well be paid for it. It’s quiet quitting for people who have a life.”

While productivity on Fridays may take a dip, the group sees little risk.

“The boss has bigger things to worry about,” says Barker.

“He said the engine light came on the other day in his BMW. Cool mate, how about you take your car and shove it up your arse.”

By mid-morning Friday, Barker expects to be nursing a strong coffee, sending half-hearted emails, and watching the clock until it’s socially acceptable to log off early.

His wife, Frisbee, is said to be grateful for his newfound balance as he manages to recover in time for the family BBQs.

“I like that he keeps his weekly consumption of 40 units of alcohol and 12 grey market cigarettes to one night. Gives me time to watch some shows and go the bed early,” explained Frisbee.

“He comes home at 12am, has a shower and goes to sleep in the other room. It’s heaven.”

More to come.


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