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Though the clutch in his Proton Jumbuck slips more than a drunk on rollerskates, Dennis Peterson, of Betoota Ponds fame, is more than happy to give his mates a hand moving shit.
He says it’s the sole purpose he got a ute in the first place.
“A station wagon would be just as useful to me,” said the popular electrician.
“But I got the ute because I wanted all my mates to ring me up when they wanted to move something. Sometimes they even ask me to help them move something myself physically like I don’t have anything better to do,”
“So when the phone rings, I fire up the old Malaysian billycart and I’m off in a cloud of blue smoke.”
The 26-year-old told The Advocate he helped a mate move house yesterday – and expected nothing in return.
Friends of Dennis say they’ve all used his ute at some point in the past couple years and told our reporter that he never accepts payment or even beer for his efforts.
Max Dupont, who’s a former classmate of Peterson’s, said he moved house with the help of Dennis late last year.
“I know mates who own utes have their piss taken on the reg,” he said.
“But Den, even though a Proton Jumbuck is a ute for children, is also so accommodating, it’s almost like he doesn’t care about having to throw people the keys to it every weekend,”
“But yeah, he’s real hard on that ute. The tyres a balder than Kevin Rudd’s right arse cheek and it rattles like a Queenslander’s mouth in Thredbo. We’re convinced he’s trying to kill it so he doesn’t have to keep lending it out to people.”
More to come.