ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | CONTACT
A buyer’s agent living at the 4km mark of the City-Bay Fun Run presented by Westpac, in the Adelaide suburb of Keswick, entered herself in the race under the impression she was going to make it all the way to the finish line this year.
The young woman said she was both shocked and devastated to go down with a crippling injury right near her house.
“I did everything I could to get my body, you know, prepped. Sometimes it’s just not meant to be I guess… Ahhhhh well, there’s is always next year” the well-meaning Sam Greenholm told The Advocate earlier today.
However, according to those close to her, Greenholm’s training regime was far from intense or rigorous.
Colleague Ash Barton said he wasn’t so sure about claims that she pushed herself to the edge in the lead-up to the race; “Hmm look, I don’t want to sound negative or anything, but I didn’t see her take the stairs to the third floor once in the last few months.”
Never one to shy away from explosive returns to physical activity, Greenholm confirmed that she did initially sign up to a local gym, but her attendance may have petered out after a few weeks; “Yeah, I realised it was a flipping complete waste of time when I can go out and run for free. That reminds me, I have to freeze that stupid membership.”
“But I had also been walking home from work in town three days a week and fasting the odd day or two a week. “Going to the gym takes the fun out of the race for me you know, it’s the stitch that really let me down. My fitness was good. I would have got to Glenelg, 100 percent,” she said.
Miss Greenholm said she is content that she did give the race a good nudge and was better prepared than previous years.
“Just entering the race is enough for me.” she said.
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