Local man Hugo Rowe-Smith is this year being lauded for his bravery and his sense of adventure.

The 28-year-old finance guy has won praise for packing it all in, and sticking it to the man!

Smith-Rowe has done so by walking away from his well paying job in the city and heading overseas for an undisclosed amount of time.

The incredible decision to simply quite his job in the middle of a cost of living crisis comes as Smith-Rowe says he was feeling ‘burnt out.’

“Man, I was just done with it,” explained the young man who’s grown up in a family where he never had to consider the prospect of renting for the rest of his life.

“Like I just need a bit of a time out to recharge and figure out what I really want to do with my life, you know?” he mused.

“I went straight into uni to do a business degree and then realised I didn’t want to do that and jumped straight into a law degree (*after a 6 month Europe trip) and then ended up at a big firm just busting my arse.”

“So I’m packing it in to go and do a bit of soul searching,” said Smith-Rowe.

With the the first couple of months of his South American tour loosely planned out, Smith-Rowe said he’ll probably wing the rest of it and maybe end up in Europe.

“Yeah, getting a tenant in for 6 months into my place” he continued reference the 3 bedroom townhouse that his parents bought for him as an ‘investment’ when he got through his first year of work.

“So between that, the trust fund and my savings I should be able to survive for as long as I want.”

“Before I have to come back and face reality haha.”

“But hopefully I’ll have a clearer idea of what my life looks like!”


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