Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has today spoken to The Advocate about a big issue ahead of the upcoming election (whenever that may be).

While he said he’s not keen on explicitly discussing Negative Gearing policy at this point in time, he’s certainly open to having a discussion about it at some point in the distant or not too distant future.

“Look, at this point in time, Negative Gearing isn’t something that we are openly putting on the table as an election issue,” explained Albanese this morning.

“But it is certainly something that we are more than happy to have a discussion about down the track if the public sentiment has changed on this???” he said, finishing the sentence in abstract and opaque kind of way.

This comes after the nation’s property developers, investment property owners, and media class threaten to kneecap the career of Albanese if he so much as thinks about touching Negative Gearing.

“And don’t get us started on Capital Gains Tax Concessions haha,” laughed a spokesperson for the Property Investment Lobby.

The issue has reared it’s head again this week, as the nation starts to consider whether turning the right to own a home into an investment opportunity for people with already acquired capital, is actually not a great thing for the ordinary Australian citizen.

While property concessions are going to cost $39 billion this year, and probably a couple hundred billion over the next decade according to parliamentary modelling – negative gearing has been off the cards since Bill Shorten went to an election with the radical idea of favouring the greater population instead of property investors.

“At this point in time we aren’t changing negative gearing.”

“Unlessssssss people want us tooooo?????”


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