Drinkers around the nation have this week let out a prolonged and deep sigh, after coming to the realisation that the warmer weather is truly back.

With Spring springing in the civilised northern states over the last week, many have rejoiced at the breaking of the cooler weather.

However, while we are now being greeted with more daylight and conditions generally more amenable to not staying in the house, we have also been greeted with the Australian heat.

As temperatures soared to the the warmest ever August days at the back end of last week, that heat permeated through into the many hangovers around the nation on Friday and Saturday.

“That was fucked,” sighed one Betoota Heights man feeling sorry for himself on the morning commute to work today.

“I woke up on Saturday morning feeling like I’d fallen asleep in a sauna for 8 hours.”

“The warmer weather is back, and so are those disgusting sticky hangovers.”

“The sun shining on you at 7am as your head and hair fills with sweat.”

“I haven’t missed that at all.”

“Gone are the days of rugging up in the blanket and trying to sleep it off.”

“We are into sweat it out territory.”

“It’s going to be a hot Spring and Summer too.”


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