The recently-povo former Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce has today held strong on his thin household budget, by somehow getting away with only spending $20 on a night out with his mates at the New England Hotel in Armidale.
This comes days after Mr Joyce made it publicly clear that he has been forced to turn the heater off at night, kill and butcher his own meat, avoid going out for dinner and buy cheap groceries.
“It’s not that I’m not getting money, it’s just that it’s spread so thin.”
“It’s just a great exercise in humility going from deputy prime minister to watching every dollar you get.”
Just earlier this morning, Barnaby was spotted first in line at a prominent Tamworth Return-and-Earn depot, after taking home a big haul on bin night.
The former Ag Minister has taken to low-level micro-influencing on Instagram.
However, even though times are tough – Barnaby points out that his two-family-budget isn’t as terrifying as the prospect of being on Newstart.
“I’m not crying in my beer because there are thousands, thousands doing it much tougher than me” Mr Joyce said.
“And it ain’t my beer anyway. I just finish off everyone’s empties haha.”
Joyce then went on to explain how you can get away with two $10 Tiger jugs and a couple raids of the empties in the beer garden.
“Minesweep!” he shouts.
“Oi but don’t tell McMormack or Scomo. They’ll get so cut at me if they knew I’m being poor in public”
Local publican, Brett Howard-Abbott (52) says that while Barnaby’s pub ettiquette is rather anti-social, the bar staff are inclined to turn a blind eye until he gets back on his feet.
“At least he’s having a go.” says Brett.
“He’ll get a go soon enough”