After over 12 months of research, a study by the Black Panther Sightings Organisation (BPSO) has confirmed that there must be a large number of big cats residing in Australia.
The report found that over 16 separate towns and localities genuinely claim to have a panther lurking in their shire, leaving the researchers to estimate that there must be nearly 20 big cats stalking the countryside.
With each report somehow relating to a wild yarn about a big cat escaping from the traveling circus.
The towns of Lancefield and Bealiba in Victoria, Toodyay in WA, and Cessnock, Illawarra and Walcha in NSW were just some of the areas that claim to have a Lithgow Panther prowling through their backyards.
While the existence of the famous Lithgow/Blue Mountains/ Dapto Panther was confirmed a long time ago, the other towns are still fighting to have their own panthers recognised.
Lead researcher Kayle Bradshaw told the Advocate that there is strong reason to believe that there could be even more towns claiming to have a panther of their own.
“We didn’t manage to get up to places like Nimbin and Gympie, but have heard some residents up their have compelling panther sighting evidence,” Bradshaw said.
Andy Raymond from Cessnock told our reporters that he can’t believe he is still fighting for recognition.
“What does this fucking study even mean huh? That we claim to have a panther? We have a fucking panther. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. I’m sick of trying to convince people,” he said.
“Look at these photos, if you don’t take these as proof then there is no point us talking anymore,” he said while pulling out his 2011 Huawei T Mobile Prism and showing our reporters grainy photos of something that looked like a big dog in amongst some long grass.
Our reporters told Raymond they better leave.
More to come.