EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

In a move that marks the end of an era, the iconic Treasury Casino in Brisbane is set to join the likes of Myer Centre dragoncoaster and will close it’s doors for the last time, leaving behind decades of memories of lost hope, punch ones and terrible daiquiris.

For over 25 years, the Treasury Casino has been a cornerstone of Brisbane’s nightlife and entertainment scene, and the one place drunk patrons could go to after bars stopped their trading hours.

The closure is part of the transition to the new Queen’s Wharf development, a massive $3.6 billion project that is set to ‘reshape Brisbane’s entertainment landscape.’

While excitement builds around the new Queen’s Wharf, the closure of the Treasury Casino is bittersweet for many tradies who’ve lost half their paycheck to the black jack tables.

“I’ve had some of the best nights of my life here,” says Brisbane local, Jack Toyer, “where else can you go coked up at 3am on a Tuesday night?”

“Oh, well, I suppose the new casino. But still.”

As Brisbane prepares to say goodbye to the Treasury Casino, poor gambling addicts have been warned they will have to go three whole days before the casino part of the precinct opens – which to many, is bloody unAustralian.

“Three days into the Queen’s Wharf precinct opens, I tell you, I am champing at the bit”, says Jack, “I guess I’ll tide myself over by hitting up the RSL.”

More to come.


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