In an unforeseen twist of fate, local man Greg Thompson (30) has discovered that cardboard boxes, the cheap and seemingly abundant vessels for packing goods, have become both exorbitantly priced and mysteriously scarce in the days leading up to his long-anticipated move.

“To be honest I really thought sourcing boxes was going to be the easiest part of my to do list” Greg explained.

“I was very wrong”

The discovery has left Greg in a state of shock, disbelief, and on a quest to find a way to acquire something he usually views as common trash, for free.

Reports from Greg’s residence reveal that only days before the moving date, an alarming trend emerged.

The things he seems to see on the streets scattered around his area have all but vanished.

Even worse, the realisation that cardboard boxes are actually not as cheap as he thought, even if he goes for the rental option.


“I mean, they’re cardboard boxes. I see these things everywhere. Why have they all of a sudden become scarce? Why am I considering renting some for $90?” Greg remarked.

Adding to the chaos, Greg has found that the boxes are nearly impossible to find.

Strangely, Greg is not alone.

Many fast and loose bachelor men who leave everything in life to the last minute have also reported that cardboard boxes seem to just disappear in the rare moments that they are actually needed.

The phenomenon has created an entire industry of rent-a-box services, offering last minute cardboard box delivery to men who are willing to pay hundreds of dollars last minute rather than to just be slightly organised.

Greg has decided to pass on the rent-a-box option, keeping his pride intact. Instead, the 30 year old has resorted to moving everything he owns in plastic garbage bags.

“Works fine, problem solved I guess” Greg said as he shrugged and tossed a garbage bag of his belongings into his mates van.


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