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A jacked up shark has caused a serious scene on one of Brazil’s beaches today, after going for a tourist in Rio Di Janeiro.

A foreign citizen enjoying a swim on one of the beaches in the iconic international city has reportedly lost an ear, after having it chewed off by a coked up shark.

The story which proves that fact can be stranger than fiction, comes after scientists detected traces of cocaine in sharks swimming in Brazilian waters.

Researchers said that sharpnose sharks have tested positive for cocaine, and benzoylecgonine — the major metabolite of cocaine.

Those behind the study said that concentrations were as much as 100 times higher than previously reported for other aquatic creatures.

And the scary researcher has now had serious consequences, with a local shark chewing the ear of a local swimmer for nearly 40 minutes.

“Yeah, it was hectic,” said one onlooker.

“He was just going out for a swim with hus mate when the shark pulled up and just cornered him.”

“The shark banging on about himself, his work, his new business idea and why Tarantino’s a genuis for well over an hour.”

“He tried to get out of there by excusing himself for the toilet, but the shark refused to let go of him.”

“It was crazy man, the shark just kept chewing his ear and then told him to just do a piss right then and there.”

The onlooker for the ear attack said he also then saw a number of woo girls swimming out to the shark to see if they could scab a bump without having to pay anything.

It’s believed a serious number of podcasts have also started emanating out of the ocean off the coast of Brazil, with researchers now able to ascertain why that has happened.


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