After three years studying for a communications degree, local woman Eloise Fisher has finally landed her first white-collar job, working for an up and coming PR company.
With dreams of being the next Samanta Jones, Eloise had juggled the student/ hospo life, bartending for a local dive bar to pay the rent and that much needed instant noodle money.
As she’d eagerly counted down the days until her degree was finished, Eloise had no idea that she’d been in the highlight years of her life, working with her best mates and having the option to sleep until 11 am on a weekday.
Though she’d occasionally complained about her bar job, Eloise had immensely enjoyed laughing away the hours with her hospo family, and being able to have the odd cheeky beverage whilst on the clock.
But now that she’s finally landed the supposed job of her dreams, Eloise finds that surprisingly, sticking to the capitalist quo of working five days a week is not what it’s cracked up to be. She speaks to our reporter Effie about her newfound position as a fully-fledged adult, and how she misses actually having a good time at work.
“I thought it would be 9 – 5, but now it’s 8:30 to 5?” Says Eloise, shaking her head.
“When did that happen?”
Admitting that the bigger paycheck is nice, Eloise adds that she often finds herself pinballing between advancing her career or being happy.
“It’s a bit of a shell shock, studying for something for three years only to find it kind of sucks.”
“Is this what I have to look forward to the rest of my life?”
“I’m tired and I’m sad. I don’t think humans were designed to sit in silence, looking at a screen all day.”
“I miss my friends.”
Looking wistfully into the distance, Eloise softly whispers that she’d give anything to smell the pungent odour of Fireball again.
“I guess it’s a good step in my career, maybe I just need to suck it up for a while.”
“How else am I ever going to secure a deposit for an overpriced shithole I’ll never be able to pay off?”
More to come.