As COVID-19 continues to add to the wealth of the world’s billionaires ordinary people are reaping some benefits too.

One example of heightened wealth is the increased understanding of hip hop lyrics by Old City District copywriter Julie Cooper (32).

Travelling to work via bus, Cooper has enjoyed the benefits of COVID-19 restrictions including having a seat to herself and feeling less pressure to stand up for old people.

Cooper’s favourite feature of public transport in 2020 is the established norm of wearing facial coverings allowing her to lip sync to Kanye West with fellow commuters being none the wiser.

“I know all the words to Gold Digger,” stated Cooper, potentially unaware everyone who went to high school in 2005 can say the same.

“And I can lip sync to all of the words beneath my trusty face mask.”

All the words.”

At the time of writing, Cooper seems unaware that a piece of fabric attached to her ears is not enough to disguise the head and hand movements that accompany the impersonation of her rap idol who is tragically too unwell to take the bus right now.

“Uh uh, you can’t tell me nothing.”

“Haha, that’s a Kanye lyric did you get it? Make sure that goes in the article!”


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