A resident of Betoota Grove has today been accused of failing to read between the lines.

Visiting a family member in our town’s Flight Path District, Bryan Tadros has today paid the price for ignoring local authorities.

The waste disposal magnate has had his car severely damaged after parking somewhere he was explicitly told not to.

“Yeah, look,” he sighed after quickly driving away before stopping in a visible public space to assess the damage.

“I should have realised that the furiously hand spray painted no parking sign was a pretty good indication that I should have found somewhere else to park.”

“I was in a rush and I have more money than god, so I kind of just decide to cop the fine or whatever.”

Foolishly though, Bryan didn’t realise that the parking spot wasn’t administered by the local rangers, but by a local resident who doesn’t like people parking out the front of his property.

Which, when accompanied by a poorly and angrily written sign, usually means there is a hot headed person administering the territory.

“Yeah lesson learnt,” sighed Bryan.

“Don’t park in a spot where the sign looks like it’s been written by a person with a propensity for violence.”


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