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Despite having over 20 unused scented candles sitting around her apartment, Candice Border is standing by her most recent purchase – a $92 scented candle from Jo Malone, London’s so-called home of candles.

The Advocate managed to have ears on the situation as it unfolded, and by the sounds of things, Candice is more suited to a career as a second-hand car saleswoman than a nurse.

“No babe, this is a Jo Malone,” she said to her boyfriend.

“We don’t have any of these”

“This is tomato plant flavour, it’s so fresh”

Her boyfriend, Jeff, was less than convinced.

“Candi, firstly, it smells like a weed”

“And secondly, why the fuck do we need another candle?”

“How can you justify this to yourself?” Jeff questioned, genuinely wondering how the hell his girlfriend convinced herself that she needed another candle.

“Didn’t you tell me that you hated all the scented candles we have at the moment?” she asked, knowing full well the answer was yes.

“I bought this for you, I thought you’d be happy that I thought of you” she said.

“That’s fine though, I’ll just go back to buying those spicy vanilla ones you hate” she said check-mating him.

“Sorry, you’re right. This new candle is better, I should have been grateful that you bought a candle to make our apartment smell better,” he said.

More to come.


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