Both the Queensland and Federal Governments have shrugged this week after the latest mammoth disaster at Grosvenor Coal Mine. 

“Yeah crazyyyyyyyy aye,” sighed the Prime Minister after learning about the newest crisis at Queensland’s largest underground coal mine, spewing a notable amount of poisonous gas and smoke into the air. 

“Gonna let that one go through to the keeper haha” 

This comes despite warnings from authorities that a giant inferno could cause a disastrous explosion for the nearly 9,000 people that make up the town of Moranbah. 

Authorities fear that the blaze that has already been going for 3 days, could cause an explosion similar to the one that occurred at the site in 2020. 

That 2020 explosion caused serious injuries to 5 workers, including extensive burns. 

The giant tax-dodging company in charge of the seemingly very unsafe workplace has promised they are working around the clock to contain the blaze which has spread to at least 6 shafts – with the town on high alert. 

A solid timeline has yet to be provided, but it’s believed the blaze could roar on for weeks. 

The town is also currently dealing with the extremely pleasant and healthy plumes of smoke being emitted from the ground, that is expected to blanket the area for who knows how long. 

Anglo-American, who paid no income tax in 2020-21, said there will be ‘a time and a place to investigate’ how the ignition started – likely well after the owners of the failing coal mine have bailed on the humble regional town. 

The state government responded to The Advocate’s questions about the endless spew of poisonous emissions into the region by simply asking if ‘somebody said KFC.’ 

More to come. 


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