The Federal Government has today quadrupled down and confirmed that a ‘gas led Covid recovery plan’ is the way of the future.
Prime Minister Morrison’s latest comments come after various business leaders, scientific experts and economists have renewed their begging of the government to use this once in a lifetime situation to try and set our country up for future generations.
However, rather than take the free political one trillion dollar budget hit to invest in renewables that could utilise our vast natural resources to underpin our economy for generations to come, or invest in projects that have well established long term benefits for our nation like carbon nuetral social housing, Morrison and Frydneberg have reiterated that simply funding some gas projects is the way to go.
With the budget projected to hit a one trillion dollar deficit soon – potentially as early as mid-next year – the government is sticking firmly to its plan to provide $52.9 million in funding for gas projects.
The funding was recommended by the National Covid-19 Coordinating Commission, has Nev Power as a spokesperson, a man who is currently a director and major shareholder of a gas company.
However, rather than treat the recommendations of some old gas stakeholders as merely just vested interests in the form of public policy advice, Morrison told us it will save our budget black hole.
“Gas is the future, everyone knows that,” said Morrison this afternoon.
“Just ask Nev.”
“Now is not the time to be spending billions trying to create and foster industries that will actually provide long-term sustainability in an economic and staying alive on this planet sense.”
“We can do that when our economy’s in better shape,” said the leader of a government about to bend the economy into a shape never seen before for very few long term benefits.
“People don’t want a government with a long term plan, people want us to prop up the broken business model of multinational resources companies.”
“So let’s get cooking with gas baby.”