The state and federal government have today re-committed to their ‘ambitious’ emissions reductions targets. 

Speaking to The Advocate from the Greater Diamantina Clean Energy Summit, hosted by our very South Betoota Polytechnic University, Queensland’s Premier and Australia’s Prime Minister have assured us that everything is on track. 

“Yeah, we are absolutely going to meet our reporting targets,” laughed Premier Steven Miles today. 

“Not by actually meeting them, but just by underreporting them by so much that we hit the targets we set ourselves.” 

Miles’ admission follows revelations that coal mine methane emissions are likely double what they are reported – which were of course widely ignored by the overwhelming majority of the media. 

It also follows unreported news that a Glencore mine in the Bowen Basin emitted a year’s worth of methane in just 16 days. 

The couple of examples (that are a dime a dozen), has led experts to question whether the state’s and nation’s leaders are just pulling emissions reduction targets out of their arse. 

“Yeah, Queensland’s 75% reduction target by 2035 is a great idea,” said Grant Green, a Professor of Climate Science at South Betoota Polytechnic. 

“But I’m not sure it’s much more than an idea right now,” he sighed. 

“And sure, we can hit Albo’s Net Zero by 2050 pledge if we just report whatever amount of emissions suits the political party in charge at the time.” 

“But I’m not really sure it’s a solution to the threat posed to humanity by things like toxic methane emissions that turbocharge heat waves, bushfires and coral bleaching.” 

When asked about the dodgy reporting of methane emissions both Miles and Albanese laughed. 

“Who are we to argue with numbers that make us look good?” 

“Come on, let’s just pat ourselves on the back.” 


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