A local man from the wide leafy streets of Betoota Grove has revealed that he’s really hit a wall this week.

Speaking to The Advocate from the cafe at the bottom of one of the big city towers where people with lanyards buzz in and out every day, Sam Whiteman says he’s pretty done with work.

“Urghhhhhh, I’m fucking burnt out dude,” said the 29-year-old guy who works a job he still hasn’t been able to actually explain to anyone who didn’t go to Whooton Boys.

“I need a holiday so bad bro,” he said.

“Europe last August feels like a fucking life time ago,” explained the man wearing a shirt made in Bangladesh by a woman who works 72 hours a week in a factory, week after week, month after month, year after year.

“What I’d give for an Aperol in Positano….”

Whiteman says that while he gets satisfaction out of crunching goals and ensuring his portfolios continue to grow at a solid double figure rate, the guinea pig wheel just tires him out after a while.

“It’s just soulless,” continued the ‘exhausted’ young man in clothes manufactured in a country that recently increased legal working weeks to 12 hour days 6 days a week in an effort to keep multinational companies’ profit margins in tact.

“I’m really thinking about packing it in for a few months, going travelling and just jumping firms when I get back.”

“Then again, I’m so close to a promotion, I’ve probably gotta see it out.”

“I just feel trapped though.”


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