Matildas Captain and Chelsea star Sam Kerr has faced court again, in her running dispute with the London police over alleged racial abuse.
Overnight Australian time, Kerr, the court and the jurors were show new evidence in the case against the striker.
Part of that evidence was the body cam footage worn by the London cop, where Sam Kerr can be heard given the bloke a bit of a spray.
“You guys are f***king stupid and white, you guys are f***ing stupid and white,” Ms Kerr is heard saying in the footage.
At the time of filming of the video, Kerr was being held at the cop shop at 3am, over a dispute with a taxi driver.
That dispute with taxi driver related to the cabbie locking the doors on Kerr and her partner Kristy Mewis, refusing to let them out, and driving them away from their requested destination.
The dispute ended with Mewis smashing the window, citing the very reasonable fear of a man holding the two women captive in the early hours of the morning, and the incident was later settled out of court by the trio.
However, following that dispute Kerr was then seen giving a London cop a bit of a spray while she was treated to the pleasantries of police procedure at 3 am.
That footage shown to the court has confirmed that the half pissed Perth girl was actually behaving pretty well for someone being held in the cop shop in the early hours of the morning by a patronising London cop in relation to a dispute with a potentially dodgy cab driver.
Her lawyers have claimed that there was no intent to cause fear, while the police officer has revealed he was “upset” by Kerr calling him stupid and white.
Kerr is expected to give evidence when the case returns to court next Tuesday.