The future has officially arrived today. 

In some breaking news from the self proclaimed capital of the country and Southern Hemisphere, the peak of alcohol consumption has been achieved. 

That’s right, down in Sydney, the minds behind one of the most popular alcoholic beverages in the country have today released the Fireball Whisky Bubbler. 

Seen to be believed in places like Sydney’s Robin Hood Hotel – the Fireball Bubbler is now ready to transport the golden cinnamon flavor into the mouths of eager punters.  

The Bubbler has been created by a Fireball employee who is being described in tech circles as the next ‘Steve Jobs.’ 

On top of being hailed as the next big thing, the local man is also set to be given a Nobel Prize. 

Tested and certified by the Licensing Inquiries and Testing For Australian Management (LitFam), a spokesperson for the ombudsman confirmed that ‘it simply is the greatest invention since probably the lightbulb, the iPod or even the Nintendo 64. 

“This is peak performance,” said the spokesperson to The Advocate’s Sydney reporter a short time ago. 

“They’ve taken the most palatable shot spirit and merged it with the most modern, state of the art drinking machine we’ve seen.”

“It’s just beautiful, I will never again look at a humble Fireball shot in the same way,” said the LITFAM spokesperson. 

“It’s revolutionary and it’s groundbreaking. They deserve all the awards they get.” 

“And couldn’t time better with Footy Finals now live and loud through September until the long weekend in October.” 

“I’ve heard it’s even brought big Braith Anasta out of the woodwork to come down for a shot.” 

“We might have achieved Utopia.” 

More to come.


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