The Australian music community has today politely made a request to British DJ Fred Again.

Less than a year after Fred Again mania swept the country, Aussie EDM fans, triple J listeners and people who go to gyms and fitness classes have now asked whether the great man can sort out a special song for our country.

The request has been made to have the DJ sample a uniquely Australian soundbite or moment for his next tune that will inevitably bombard the ears of anyone who listens to the radio or follows popular music playlists on Spotify.

While suggestions like the barking man from ACA have been forward, it’s been generally agreed by an EDM focused community group that a Brown Cardigan clip is more of the Fred Again aesthetic.

“Look, the bloke samples something new every day, surely he can give us some love,” explained a spokesperson for the group.

“He’ll make a song out of some random person at a house party saying one line in a cooked deep and meaningful, it would be too much trouble for him to create something off the back of some Brown Cardi content.”

“I think something more current, but think the Not Bhed guy for example.”

“Not Bhed…. dun dun dun deeeee deeeeeed dun.”

“Good size… Good size……

“de de de dunnnn duunnnn deeeee”

“Looooooooooooooook at that”

“*beat drops”

“It’s an absolute no brainer if you ask us.”

Fred has yet to respond for comment on the collab.

More to come.


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