As the housing crisis intensifies to the point where even the kids of the media and political class are starting to struggle, the nation is starting to come to the conclusion that maybe we have fucked up as a country.

With tax discounts for property investors costing the Australian budget just under $39 billion in forgone tax revenue this financial year, and countless Aussies being pushed into housing insecurity – it’s been confirmed that maybe, just maybe, billionaire media mogul Rupert Murdoch might have been lying about what was best for the country at the 2019 election.

With Negative Gearing and Capital Gains Tax concessions on the chopping block, News Corp and the Coalition rallied to convince the nation that removing incentives for property investors was tantamount to full blown communism.

That campaign from the property investment class that make up the two major organisations lead to the election of one of the great Prime Ministers, and arguably cooked the housing market even more.

That PM was Scott Morrison. The Pentecostal fake rugby league fan who pretended to be from Cronulla despite growing up closer to the Eastern Suburbs beaches than Turnbull did. A man who somehow managed to also be a worse Christian than Tony Abbott.

A man that epitomises everything that is wrong with the ‘me-first’ culture that has been cultivated amongst the Howard Battlers. A man who got everything handed to him without even having to contend with the pressure of consolidating a family fortune. A man who’s upper middle class life was somehow easier than the rich. A man so full hot air that he destroyed the Liberal Party when he ran out of sound bites.

But, like Murdoch’s 2016 narrative that protected the Negative Gearing and CGT concessions that keep our nation’s uninspiring newspaper editors and property developers rich – the protection racket around Morrison has also been kinder than he deserves.

He wasn’t voted out because Australians couldn’t bare the sight of his smug face, he was simply betrayed by a female member of his own party who made up lies about being sexually assualted in Parliament because women are unfit for politics. That’s the only reason he lost. Because the sheilahs went feral. Not because of his abysmal leadership during the bushfires and the pandemic. It was the fault of emotional, lying, women. That’s why they aren’t pre-selecting any of them for the 2024 election.

An election where the Labor Party are either to scarred or to self-interested as property investors to contemplate articulating that fact that giving 10s of billions of dollars to property investors to buy more property, isn’t the best way to fix the housing crisis.

More to come.


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