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Our neighbours and friends across the ditch have been told to pipe down once again today.
With the Paris Olympics coming to a close over the weekend, Australia enjoyed its record haul of Gold – something which we are obviously very pleased about.
Unfortunately, that big gold rush also occurred over the Tasman, with our pesky fellow southern hemisphere per capita punchers raking in quite a lot of medals.
So many medals that it was actually kind of hard to make fun of them…
That was until the absolutely bottled it against Argentina aka Los Pumas aka Loss Pumas on the weekend.
The delightful result for the mighty and humble and wonderful and godly All Blacks came on home soil, with Argentina putting in one of the pluckiest performances in memory.
Surging back in the second half to overwhelm the Kiwis who were doing things like pass the ball 50 metres back into their own in goal, the Argentinians successfully managed to erase all of New Zealand’s success in Paris.
“Haha, suck shit,” laughed one Aussie fan, whose team put in a brave performance against the world champions and only lost narrowly with a young team who are building.
“Time for the Kiwi economy to go back into recession.”
“No amount of Gold can stop that after the ABs performance on the weekend.”