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A local chippy has been betrayed by a delicious, freshly baked meat pie from Brooke’s Bakery this afternoon after the perfectly flaky crust managed to scatter itself all over the front seat of his ute.

In what should have been the perfect crime, Dane Littlejohn is now explaining to his girlfriend how it was the apprentice who ate a pie in his ute, not him, and that he still had heaps of room for dinner.

“Far out, Dan, I can’t believe you’ve ruined another dinner,” moaned an irritated Chantelle.

“No babe, it wasn’t me!” he protested, before realising how ridiculous his defence was and coming clean.

“Ok, it was me. But, it’s not ruined, I’ve still got heaps of room!” rebutted Dane, for the first time questioning whether he did in fact have heaps of room.

It’s believed this isn’t the first time Dane’s gluttony has got the better of him and ruined dinner.

A few weeks ago, Dane filled up on cheese and biscuits before a dinner that Chantelle had prepared for him.

Speaking with The Advocate after the event, Dane explained that it wasn’t actually his fault that he couldn’t wait until dinner.

“It’s evolutionary. My brain doesn’t know where its next meal is coming from so it makes me eat all the time, just in case a famine happens.”

“So, it’s not my fault. Can you tell Chan that?”

Our reporter declined to intervene.


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