Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong has had a big morning, it can be confirmed.

Wasting absolutely no time getting about her work, Penny has been frantically researching solutions to one of the biggest issues on her plate – Anthony Albanese’s Bucks Party.

The huge task of organising the bucks trip came up after Albanese proposed to his partner Jodie Haydon last night, following a nice Italian meal in Canberra for Valentines Day.

While Albanese and Haydon are basking in the new engagement glow, Penny has decided to get on the front foot with the most important weekend in the wedding cycle.

Immediately creating a WhatsApp group chat for the Bucks, Penny is taking it upon herself to plan and organise the big weekend for Albo and his mates.

“Hello you little pussies,” she began the pleasantries with after adding an array of Labor figures and a motley crew of footy players, musos, actors and random identities from Sydney’s Inner West.

Penny then explained the plans for a big weekend in Bali over the AFL Grand Final Long weekend when all the media get on the piss and nothing happens.

“They won’t miss us around then, and we can play up for the weekend haha.”

One of the contentious topics in the chat has been the subject of ‘entertainment,’ with Albanese reportedly claiming that he doesn’t want a bar of it.

However the likes of Nick Cave, Russell Crowe and Bill Shorten have agreed with Penny, that he doesn’t have a choice in the matter.

“Fuck him,” laughed Nick Cave, with others coming into offer words of affirmation.

Most of the group are in for the whole weekend with Russell and Jeff Fenech only able to make the Saturday and Sunday nights.

Tony Burke has raised eyebrows by suggesting a Hucks (combined Hens and Bucks), something which Penny obviously roasted him for.

“Hahahaha whipped much…….. not happening. You can go with Chris Pyne and the girls if you aren’t allowed off the leash.”

It’s believed Penny has also been sure to invite one of Albo’s dodgy mates from school, who can help look after the group in Bali.

Albanese is unaware of the chat, with Penny laying down the riot act on keeping it under wraps.

“I don’t want him to find out that he’s gonna have to get on the back of a scooter with an 8 kilo shot put and chain tied around his leg,” she messaged a short time ago.

More to come.


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