Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has today dropped a bomb shell request to extradite the richest man in the world.
In a shocking development from Canberra, the man hoping to dogwhistle his way into the Prime Ministership later this year has called for Elon Musk to be arrested and brought to Australia.
The former Queensland Cop who is still yet to explain why he was forced to leave the force, has demanded that the American billionaire be arrested for his recent salute on stage at Donald Trump’s rally.
While some have sought to down play and question the salute, to the naked eye it was quite apparent that Musk was making the most hectic salute man kind has ever seen.
In the wave of post-truth and post-fact euphoria, supporters of Trump and Musk have argued that it was just heat of the moment emotional stuff that was taken out of context.
But that argument hasn’t been accepted by Dutton, who has promised minimum sentences of at least six years for Commonwealth terror offences, and minimum sentences of at least 12 months for displaying hate symbols such as flags associated with terror groups.
He will also create a Commonwealth offence for threatening places of worship, with penalties of five years to seven years for aggravated offences.
It’s unknown if the new offences will be policed when it comes to guys who meet up in the Grampians and regional Victoria with their black and red flags – with Dutton yet to comment on that.
However, Dutton has confirmed that he wants it to apply to Musks actions.
“When I win, the law will be brought in, and we can apply it retrospectively to Elon.”
“So I want him arrested now, and we’ll sort out the paperwork later.”