Pharmacists across the country are leaping in joy today, after being hand-balled a significant stream of residual income.

The Toyota style David Warner leaps follow news of the government’s latest ‘crackdown’ on vapes.

After making vapes illegal like 3 or 4 times with little success, the government is now planning on making them illegal apart from at one particular shop – Chemists.

Described as ‘world leading’ by the people who came up with the laws, the new regime will make chemists the only legal way to purchase vapes moving forward.

From July 1, chemists will be able to sell vapes to customers with a prescription.

From October 1, prescriptions will no longer be needed unless the purchaser is under the age of 18.

While it’s yet to be seen if the new policy will do much to deter the litany of shops that have opened in the last couple of years from selling vapes, it means that chemists will be able to make a serious amount of cash by selling ‘legal’ lung lollies to the public.

The announcement comes a few months after pharmacists screamed blue murder as a result of the new 60 day scripts for Australians needing medication.

While the new policy will of course see a serious uptick in the sale of jelly beans, darryl lea choccies and random other items, it’s believed chemists are now going to open up additional revenue streams on top of vapes.

Betoota Heights pharmacist Adrian Lee told The Advocate he’s already put in a bulk order for some random energy drinks, sim cards and a few black or potentially grey market ciggies.

“I mean, looking at the boom that was convenience stores cashing in on the new vape trend.”

“It makes sense that if we take over that lucrative market, we also corner the market for energy drinks you’ve never heard of, oh and exceptional deals on mobile phone data.”

“It’s a no brainer really.”

“Try this Indonesian red bull by the way, it slaps!”


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