A local physiotherapist has just had the perfect start to the week this morning, after being given some very valuable information free of charge.

Brett Daniels from Betoota Ponds Sports Medicine received the impromptu lesson a short time ago, after greeting a new patient who had some knee issues.

The patient in question was 27-year-old man Aaron Towney, who was more than happy to offer up advice on how to holistically treat lower limb injuries.

Taking it upon himself to give his new physio (and the other physio’s around the treatment room) a quick lesson in how leg injuries could be prevented with a new routine that he’d discovered on social media.

With everyone in the practice trying to hold their heavy sighs in, physio Brett Daniels decided to let Towney know that he had heard of the Knees Over Toes Guy, believe it or not.

“Yeah mate, I know who he is,” in an effort to quickly shut down the lesson that was coming up.

“Yeah, there’s certainly some merit to his programs, but it’s not a fix all for everything,” he said.

Not enough to shut down the spurt of information, Daniels said he had to grimace through a nice 15 minute explainer about the unused muscles and ligaments in different parts of you leg.

Speaking to The Advocate after the lesson, Daniels said he was very thankful for all the advice offered to him.

“Yeah it’s crazy how much this guy knows,” said Daniels.

“It’s almost like he didn’t really need to even see me, cause he’s got it all figured out.”

“Can’t wait for him to come back in after his next injury and give me another lesson of plyometrics or some shit he’s on to next time.”


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