Australian cricket fans have taken off their collective gloves and absolutely gone in on professional sook Piers Morgan, now that Warnie is no longer there to say ‘nah guys he’s actually chill but’.

Just like bloated geese will sometimes make friends with the foie gras farmer that keeps force feeding them tons of grain, Australian cricket legend Shane Warne somehow ended up being friends with professional goose Piers Morgan.

Due to his friendship with Australia’s King, the media and punters had a tendency to go a little lighter on Morgan, affording him the respect a Celebrity Apprentice winner deserves.

However, now that Australia have retained The Ashes, Morgan has been going on like a Celebrity Apprentice host and resorted to a type of ‘stop hitting yourself’ style whinging.

While in previous years the Australian public would simply have to load up the video of Binga sending Morgan a few bee stings, with Warnie now bowling Bradman for a duck in the sky, Australians have decided to fire up the barbie and get ready to sear one hell of a self-salting pork chop.

“I saw that Morgan at an airport once and I was going to give him an earful but Warnie was there and I had too much respect for Warnie,” stated one Aussie cricket fan who is finally giving Morgan the respect he deserves.

“Who has he got left to defend him now? Lachlan Murdoch? Yeah he’s got some power but he’s not exactly Warnie is he?”


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